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Custom Fireplace Screens & Doors
FREE Design Service
1: Send us pictures of your fireplace
2: We create FREE Mockups
3: You choose the look you like best!
Custom Fireplace Screens & Doors
FREE Design Service
1: Send us pictures of your fireplace
2: We create FREE Mockups
3: You choose the look you like best!

Custom Aluminum Fireplace Doors

Aluminum is our most affordable alternative. Although not as heavy duty and rugged as steel or wrought iron, it is durable enough to last many years. Aluminum does not rust, which is an advantage for outdoor fireplaces and a lot less expensive than other outdoor materials such as stainless steel or solid brass. To see any of these doors on your fireplace, request a FREE Mockup

Brookfield (Masonry/ZC)
2 1/8" Frame | From: $1005
Savannah (Masonry)
2 15/16" Frame | From: $1005
Stiletto (Masonry/ZC)
15/16" Frame | From: $1005
Phoenix (Masonry/ZC)
2 1/8" Frame | From: $1005
Bungalow (Masonry)
3 1/2" Frame | From: $1005
Silhouette (Masonry/ZC)
1 3/8" Frame | From: $1005
Shadow (ZC)
1" Frame | From: $865
Apex (Masonry)
2 1/8" Frame | From: $1005
Brookfield Mesh (Masonry/ZC)
2 1/8" Frame | From: $1005
Profile 2
Profile 2 (Masonry/ZC)
2 5/8" Frame | From: $1295.00
Profile 3
Profile 3 (Masonry/ZC)
1 3/4" Frame | From: $1295.00
Profile 4
Profile 4 (Masonry/ZC)
1" Frame | From: $1295.00
Profile 5
Profile 5 (Masonry/ZC)
2 1/2" Frame | From: $1295.00
Basic 1
Basic 1 (Masonry/ZC)
2 7/8" Frame | From: $995.00
Basic 2
Basic 2 (Masonry/ZC)
1 3/4" Frame | From: $995.00
Basic 3
Basic 3 (Masonry/ZC)
1 1/8" Frame | From: $995.00
Basic 4
Basic 4 (Masonry/ZC)
1 1/8" Frame | From: $995.00

Message From Greg

"I have a passion for designing custom fireplace treatments, and have been doing so for over 35 years. The designs I create are not only tailored to fit perfectly, but fashioned to compliment your room decor and turn your fireplace into a tastefully finished focal point. Take advantage of my Free Design Service and let me show you the possibilities." Here are just a few reasons why you might consider buying from me:

Greg Tillotson (Owner/Designer)

FREE Fireplace Design Service

Get Free Mockups & Quote
Include These 3 Photos:
Photo #1
12 feet away directly in front of fireplace. Camera Sideways
Photo #2
Closeup of fireplace opening sqaure as possible. Camera Sideways
Photo #3
Back to the fireplace looking out at room. Camera Sideways
IMPORTANT: Remove everything from in front of the fireplace before taking the pictures!

Then Submit This Form!

Or, Email:

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Upload Photo #1:
Upload Photo #2:
Upload Photo #3:
NOTE: Photos are not required up front, but we will need them in order to provide a quote or create mockups.