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FREE Fireplace Design Service

Get Free Mockups & Quote
Include These 3 Photos
Photo #1
10 feet away directly in front of fireplace. Camera Sideways
Photo #2
Closeup of fireplace opening sqaure as possible. Camera Sideways
Photo #3
Back to the fireplace looking out at room. Camera Sideways

Then Submit This Form!

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Upload Photo #2:
Upload Photo #3:
NOTE: Photos are not required up front, but we will need them in order to provide a quote or create mockups.

Here's an example of what we do!

This customer wanted a screen or glass door made from ornate solid brass. These are some of the recommendations we presented along with a measuring diagram.

See More Examples

This is why we call ourselves Fireplace Treatments!

10 Most Recent Projects

Click on projects to see the mockups!

Fireplace Door Project #20171

See Project #20171

Fireplace Door Project #20170

See Project #20170

Fireplace Door Project #20169

See Project #20169

Fireplace Door Project #20167

See Project #20167

Fireplace Door Project #20166

See Project #20166

Fireplace Door Project #20165

See Project #20165

Fireplace Door Project #20164

See Project #20164

Fireplace Door Project #20163

See Project #20163

Fireplace Door Project #20162

See Project #20162

Fireplace Door Project #20161

See Project #20161

See More Examples

Limitations and Disclaimers to this service

Note About Finishes: The mockups are meant to help you choose the model of your screen or door, not the finish. Although we may create a general representation of black, iron, bronze, gold and silver tones, you must choose your finish from our samples on our website. A limited supply of actual samples may be provided upon request.

Limitations: FREE Mockups are not unlimited. In most cases, we will be happy to create 3 to 5 mockups at no charge. Beyond that, we may have to discuss an additional fee depending on your project.

Shape Limitations: Some odd shaped fireplaces may be impossible to create mockups for. We do the best we can, but we will let you know if we run up against a limitation.

Privacy Note: Your privacy is very important to us. We will never divulge your email address or contact information to any entity outside of our company unless necessary to process your order. We reserve the right to post your pictures on our website along with your comments so others can view your project for ideas. In any case, we will not post your last name or contact info on our website. By using our design service, you are giving us all rights to post your photos and comments on our website and in our marketing materials.

Message From Greg

"I have a passion for designing custom fireplace treatments, and have been doing so for over 35 years. The designs I create are not only tailored to fit perfectly, but fashioned to compliment your room decor and turn your fireplace into a tastefully finished focal point. Take advantage of my Free Design Service and let me show you the possibilities." Here are just a few reasons why you might consider buying from me:

Greg Tillotson (Owner/Designer)