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Custom Fireplace Screens & Doors
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Custom Fireplace Screens & Doors
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Standard Size Hawthorne Fireplace Door

This affordable aluminum fireplace door is designed for masonry fireplaces and is availble in a variety of standard sizes and powder coat finishes. Gray, clear or bronze glass, mesh curtains and gate mesh are optional.

From: $815.00

Masonry Fireplaces Only

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Shown Above: Standard Size Hawthorne Bifold Door in Satin Black.

Size Chart

ModelOverall SizeFireplace SizePrice
HT342634W x 25 3/4H28-33 1/2W x 22 1/4-25 1/2H$815
HT342634W x 29H28-33 1/2W x 25 1/2-28 3/4H$815
HT342634W x 32 1/4H28-33 1/2W x 28 3/4-32H$815
HT402639 1/2W x 25 3/4H33 1/2-39 x 22 1/4-25 1/2H$850
HT402639 1/2W x 29H33 1/2-39W x 25 1/2-28 3/4H$850
HT402639 1/2W x 32 1/4H33 1/2-39 x 28 3/4-32H$850
HT452645W x 25 3/4H39-40 1/2W x 22 1/4-25 1/2H$885
HT452645W x 29H39-40 1/2W x 25 1/2-28 3/4H$885
HT452645W x 32 1/4H39-40 1/2W x 28 3/4-32H$885


Doors: Cabinet (same price) | Bifold Add: $60.00
Glass: Clear (same price) | Gray or Bronze Add: $100.00 | Ceramic Add: $795-$995
All Powder Coat Finishes (same price)
Mesh Curtains Add: $60.00 | Gate Mesh Backup Doors (NA)

The Hawthorne is a formed steel door that comes in standard sizes that fit most masonry fireplaces. standard as a cabinet door with clear glass. The frame is 3 1/2" wide (sides) x 5 1/4" H (top) x 1" D. The sub-frame recesses 3/8" into the opening without mesh and 1 3/16" with mesh. Available in the finishes shown below.

Powder Coat Finishes For Standard Aluminum Doors

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Message From Greg

"I have a passion for designing custom fireplace treatments, and have been doing so for over 35 years. The designs I create are not only tailored to fit perfectly, but fashioned to compliment your room decor and turn your fireplace into a tastefully finished focal point. Take advantage of my Free Design Service and let me show you the possibilities." Here are just a few reasons why you might consider buying from me:

Greg Tillotson (Owner/Designer)

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12 feet away directly in front of fireplace. Camera Sideways
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Closeup of fireplace opening sqaure as possible. Camera Sideways
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Back to the fireplace looking out at room. Camera Sideways
IMPORTANT: Remove everything from in front of the fireplace before taking the pictures!

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